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About Us

The Undead Unicorn Curiosity Shop

We are an alternative gift shop selling items, toys, art prints and fashion. Anything fantasy, goth or pagan related or just plain silly. If you are looking for an unusual gift, an exciting home decor item or you are just bored come in and have a look.


This is our Alternative Story

The Undead Unicorn Curiosity Shop is a multi dimensional building which is bigger on the inside with huge stock rooms in the basement (and a mysterious shrine dedicated to the Rabbit God), it holds many secrets, some quite comfortable and lovely bedrooms and living quarters, a swimming pool (which was taken over by a mermaid), a cool magical library and other fun and mysterious facilities... and have I mentioned it travels between the worlds?


So the idea is that we stop at the most exciting places in the Multiverse, hunt for the most exotic and fun items we can find and then all our treasure will be available for you, our precious customer through the obscure magic of the Internet.

Meet the Founders


The high priestess of the Rabbit God, Keeper of the Black Heart.

Areas of expertise: makeup and horror in any combination. Psychic stuff. Anything shiny. Unicorns and bunnies.


The sorcerer from the East. Possibly vampire but at least have an obscure Transylvanian origin.


Areas of expertise: sorcery and witchcraft. Demonology. Art, tea and coffee.